A dirty diamond piece is equivalent to a glass piece. Dirt and dust not just makes the diamond dull but also lustre-less. Even the most expensive and scintillating diamonds may soon turn to lose its sparkle if not cared in the right manner. Almost every daily used substance like- make-up, perfume, hairspray and dust that gets attached to the stone reduces its ability to reflect the light and also distorts its delicate looks.

Thus, it is very important to keep your diamond jewellery clean to maintain the sparkle and shine it is born with. Here are a few tips to keep your diamond jewellery spick and span to retail it’s grace as it was when purchased. Consider following simple tips –

Jewellers in Chandigarh

Tips to Care for Diamond Jewellery

Following tips work effectively in taking good care of your diamond jewellery:-

1. Diamond jewellery especially rings should be removed before performing works like- washing, gardening, decorating, Do it Yourself tasks, swimming, sports, rock climbing, and other activities such as hand to hand combat.

2. Diamonds should always be stored in a soft, protective case whenever they are not in use.

3. Diamonds being hard in nature can scratch other gemstones and jewellery metal, if kept together thus; one should store each piece of diamond, separately.

Cleaning diamond jewellery

Diamond cleaning can be done by following these few steps:-

1. Fill a bowl with warm water, adding a mild dish washing liquid.

2. Soak the jewellery for 5-10 minutes and then using a soft bristle brush the piece should be cleaned and rinsed thoroughly.

3. Use a lint-free cloth to gently dry the piece and if still, the dirt deposits are visible, they can be removed using a softened toothpick and rinsed again.

4. Finish the cleaning by gently polishing the entire jewellery piece with a soft, lint-free cloth and repeat the process as and when required. This should be done with utmost care so that the jewellery item shouldn’t get harmed.

5. Following these simple steps, one can keep their jewellery item appear beautiful and completely clean. Being simple and good to go for all, these tips can be followed without much trouble.

Practicing these simple tips, one can keep their diamond jewellery free from dirt and also increase its life.

Diamonds are forever but, if not maintained with complete care and concern can ruin its appearance and shine as well. Even the top Diamond Jewellers in Chandigarh prefer similar process for diamond cleaning and maintenance. So, if you wish to keep your jewellery clean to the specialist level, the above-mentioned process is the best one to be tried and tested on.

Buying diamond jewellery isn’t just the thing but, it is also important to maintain the cleanliness and sheen of the diamond jewellery such that the precious stone doesn’t lose its luster and extraordinary shine.

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Today's 22kt Gold Price ₹ 8290/- per gm